Repent, for the Lord is coming to judge.

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Testimony of servant of God Ludmila J, Moscow, Russia

I learned about Father Oleg from my conversation with my son over the phone (my son lives in Canada, and I in Moscow). A court hearing was awaiting my son (I can affirm at 100% that it was strange and wrong but was causing us to worry); my son talked to Father Oleg before the court (they had met just before) and told him all about the peripeteia that preceded the hearing and Father Oleg told him that his heart was telling him that everything would turn out well for my son. And so it happened although almost until the end of the court hearing it looked like a catastrophe was coming our way. My son was given an absolutory sentence. Father Oleg's heart wasn't mistaken.

Later, my son started re-telling me over the phone the sermons of Father Oleg (only parts, of course), his views, etc. Frankly, I was wary and was hostile to many things. It seemed to me that Father Oleg's views are too austere. Now I understand that I am used to a different Christianity - a lukewarm one, which doesn't require too many efforts and doesn't call so alarmingly to salvation! And, for this purpose, to repentance which is on every day, every minute basis, to a new (and very hard) way of living!

When I started listening to Father Oleg's sermons (my son sent me CD's), I received them as a beautiful revelation, as living water of the true (evangelical) Christianity of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself and not of "men". I am eagerly waiting for each following sermon and listen to it with fear to miss any minutest detail, I listen with all of my soul, all of my heart and absorb it. And when I happen to listen to a sermon for the second (and even for the third) time, every time I discover something new: so saturated and deep those sermons are. Sometimes I feel like crying for delight when a sermon is especially beautiful - there is no doubt that they are preached under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit!

I also would like to say some words about myself. I was unexpectedly offered an urgent heart surgery (valve replacement) and they told me that I would die in a few months otherwise. Father Oleg prayed for me for a long time and told my son that everything would be fine, that his Mom wouldn't die and that the surgery would go successfully. He said this over a month before the surgery - thus assuming such responsibility! Everything went exactly that way. Just before the surgery Father Oleg led a prayer service for the sick and I was (amazingly) absolutely calm. I only entrusted myself to the Lord and was praying the Lord's prayer, as Father Oleg teaches. Doctors were astounded, too, by how well and fast that complicated surgery went (four hours instead of six). I accredit this outcome to Father Oleg's prayers, to his Spirit-bearing prayers, to his fellowship with God.

Servant of God Ludmila.

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Fr. Oleg Molenko