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Testimony of servant of God Ludmila M, Ioshkar Ola, Russia

In fall of 2002, after eleven years of diligently and faithfully attending the temples of the Moscow Patriarchate I unexpectedly ran across Father Oleg's site. Upon carefully studying it and being amazed at how full this source of the living grace is with profound strength, power and wisdom, I decided to ask some personal questions not having any doubt in the gracefulness and truthfulness of this Shepherd. I could liken him to a pearl of great price that I, like that merchant, have found after long searches.

I remember how I could not help asking him at the end of my letter, "is there a way to explain the incorruptibility of the Epiphany water and of the Easter egg in the church of the Moscow Patriarchate?" May the merciful Lord forgive me in His mercy and Father Oleg also, because my Epiphany water would go bad sometimes (I used to always think that it was because of my sins), but I used to never check Easter eggs but burned them.

In 2002 I, as usual, brought home Easter eggs from the Tikhvin temple where they had been sanctified during the night service. I put them in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Pochayevsk. After exactly one year (spring of 2003), I broke it before Easter and was amazed at how it could have been lying before the icon without any odor, when it was black and evil-smelling inside. My spiritual sister Nadezhda with whom we attended churches at that time, thought that it was only my egg that had gone bad, but hers must have not. But soon she called me and told me with perplexity that she even had to open balcony doors to let out the stench from the Easter eggs.

The new Easter egg had to be sanctified at home with Epiphany water. Since I live in the center of a regional city and there is no open reservoir there to take water from on the night of the Epiphany, the water was sanctified by me with home prayers which Father Oleg had pointed out to me. I put the eggs to the same place before the icon.

On the day of my Angel, September 29th, it occurred to me to open the egg. What a great joy it was when Nadezhda and I along with another spiritual sister's family, tasted a totally good egg for the first time in our lives as a sacrament!

Servant of God Ludmila

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Fr. Oleg Molenko